Woah, Listen to the Music...
It was the fall of 1998 and Dan and Meg were living in Mason-Abbott Hall. Meg shares that they were both active in the choral scene, “me in State Singers, he in men’s Glee Club.” It was the beginning of the rise of a cappella music, and they were both itching for something more. She reflects on how the group came to be, stating that “after a long chat one evening [we] decided to set up the first co-ed a cappella group. Dan was (I’m sure still is!) an amazing pianist and arranger, and I had a lot of friends in the choral scene so, between the two of us and a couple of rounds of auditions in the basement of Abbot Hall, Capital Green was born!”.
Dan shares that his favorite memory with the group was their first gig. He says, “I believe it was in February of '99, and the Honors College asked us to perform a short set. We sang five songs for them in a small, crowded room, and we had a blast. It was a modest start, but it was great to get out and actually perform as a group for the first time”.
25 years later, Capital Green continues to build off of the foundation both Dan and Meg laid. They continue to make music and memories with their chosen family. For more information on the group, check out our "Meet Us" tab.